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13 September 2024

Assembly Language Simulators

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Peter Higginson

Assembly Language Simulators - duplicate server
Quite a few people use my simulators and there have been problems with overloads. So I have accepted an offer from ZigZag Education ( to provide an alternate hosting site that people can use. The following are now available:
which mirror exactly the Simulators available on I hope it will also provide a long term service that doesn't depend on my personal site.
This coincides with an enhancement to the LMC, RISC and ARMlite simulators to add the .LOC assembler directive. This was requested by a teacher who wanted to set a class exercise where the results had to be put at specified memory locations for ease of evaluation. It is also a common need of bare metal programs to put code at specific locations.
I also recently enhanced the RISC Simulator to be upwards compatible with the LMC nmemonics. So if you are looking for an LMC with 16 bit binary words, 400 memory locations and a choice of immediate, direct or indirect addressing; I commend it to you.
I am always happy to receive comments at