CAS is the subject association for Computing education in the UK
Founded in 2008, CAS was instrumental in re-envisioning computing education in England, leading the way in a global movement. So far, CAS has supported over 44,000 teachers and others across the UK through its Communities of Practice, community-generated resources, discussion forum and professional development events. An understanding of computing enables citizens to make informed choices in our digital world. That's why we need to encourage and equip school staff to offer the best possible computing curriculum for all.
As part of BCS, CAS benefits from being within their Education and Public Benefit team, giving us access to a range of extra resources and support. This connection means we can offer even better support to our members, tapping into BCS’s extensive membership network. You can read more about how CAS is supported by BCS here.
CAS is...
- Independent, CAS works on behalf of learners, striving to give them the very best possible computing education.
- Focused on teachers and the taught curriculum, making computing into a vibrant reality in every classroom in the land.
- A trusted voice at national level, with a successful history of influencing and supporting government
- Responsible for a huge network of communities of practice for computing teachers, across the UK both online and in local settings.
- A gift economy, not a fee-for-service organisation.
- Working across all four nations of the United Kingdom, and it has international impact beyond the UK.
Our Vision
"Every learner has the knowledge and skills to thrive in the digital age through access to a high-quality computing education."
Our three ambitions
All our activity helps further one of our 3 core strands
- TeachTogether - a computing education that is truly inclusive for all, helping all young people develop the skills and knowledge to thrive in the digital age.
- TechTeach - supporting teachers to teach a high-quality computing education through CPD, education, research and events.
- Techspiration - bringing the world of tech into the curriculum, demystifying innovation and inspiring young people; showcasing tech career pathways that can change society and the world around us
A community of professionals with a moral purpose
- Understanding and influencing how key opportunities and challenges created by tech developments are faced
- Acting as role models for our students on the capable and ethical uses of technology
- Aspirational and optimistic about opportunities for all students
- Networked together to develop the professional community.
Here’s what to expect from us
We look forward to seeing you at our;
- Communities of Practice
- Online thematic communities exploring big issues
- Face-to-face communities providing local support
- National Conference - an annual opportunity to connect, catch up and learn together
- Pupil events - we’re proud to be working with The Scratch Foundation to create an exciting pupil event for UK schools
- Collaborations - let’s do something together, to shape their tech futures
Structure and Organisation
CAS provides advice to the BCS School Curriculum and Assessment Committee supporting its role in shaping public debate and shaping the future of computing in schools. This provides a supportive institutional framework but does not threaten CAS's autonomy or grass-roots style.
Around the country, members of CAS are encouraged to volunteer to lead and contribute to local communities forming a valuable network across the UK.
Subject Association
CAS is proud to be registered as the Subject Association for Computing with the CfSA. The CfSA is an umbrella organisation, independent of Government, which represents subject associations nationally and allows them to speak with a single voice on key issues and consultations. Founded in 2007 the CfSA currently has over 30 members who all contribute to, and benefit from, the power of a unified voice. The CfSA helps represent Subject Associations in informing educators, policy makers, and media about research and professional practice informed approaches to the curriculum, pedagogy, teacher training and professional development.