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30 July 2023

The Rise of AI-Assisted Coaching

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Dr Terence McIvor

The Rise of AI-Assisted Coaching 

Coaching is rapidly evolving thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence. While AI will only partially replace human coaches' nuance and emotional intelligence, it is proving to be an extremely effective supplement. By thoughtfully integrating AI into training programs, coaches can enhance their skills and offer expanded value to clients. This blog post will explore practical tips for leveraging AI in coach training.

Analyse Real Coaching Conversations

One powerful AI application is digesting archives of actual coaching sessions, whether audio, video or transcripts. Natural language processing can identify common word patterns, phrases, tones of voice, pacing and more. AI can surface top coaches' fundamental principles, techniques, and communication styles. During training, AI assistants can quiz coaches and provide feedback by comparing their mock sessions to real examples. The AI helps pinpoint areas needing improvement based on gaps with expert benchmarks.

Create Customized AI Personas 

AI can be programmed to simulate specific types of clients for practice scenarios. By analyzing age, background, personality traits, voice patterns and goals, tailored AI personas emerge for coaching roleplay. This allows trainees to gain experience with diverse clients and situations. The AI assistant adapts responses based on the coaching approach, helping refine strategy. Constructive feedback is given after each practice session.

Generate Insights from Data  

AI excels at processing volumes of data and discovering trends or correlations that humans would likely miss. Studying metrics influencing coaching outcomes can highlight the approaches, techniques and sequences associated with the best results. These data driven insights supplement proven practices. They also help identify areas where adjustments are needed based on emerging evidence.

Administer More Individualized Assessment

Testing and quizzes during training can be enhanced via AI. Question banks drawing from case studies, scenarios, and coaching research can be generated dynamically to reduce repetitions for each trainee. Based on responses over time, AI can determine knowledge gaps and focus future questions accordingly to address weaknesses. Scores and progress tracking helps provide a more adaptive, personalized learning experience.

Offer On-Demand Support 

Conversational AI chatbots have advanced tremendously in providing helpful information on demand. AI assistants can be available 24/7 to coach trainees if they need clarification or resources on certain coaching practices outside formal training. Quick access to an AI support system helps enrich the learning process. The AI can also recommend supplemental materials tailored to the trainee's needs and interests for self-paced learning.

Analyze Trainee's Coaching Style

Once trainees begin coaching sessions, AI tools can monitor and evaluate their communication patterns, vocabulary, pacing, body language and more. Gaps compared to expert benchmarks are identified and constructively delivered to the trainees. AI pattern analysis helps trainees become more aware of their innate style and receive data-driven recommendations for improvement. This promotes quicker self-correction.

Provide Ongoing Skill Refreshment  

Maintaining sharp skills is crucial in the fast-paced, rapidly-changing world of coaching. AI chatbots can routinely check in with coaches after training is completed and suggest helpful refreshers. For example, if a coach has not used a specific technique in a long time, the AI may send a reminder case study or quick video refresher to renew muscle memory. This ongoing support ensures skills stay top of mind.

Generate Custom Activities and Exercises

AI text and image generators can instantly produce quality coaching resources and exercises. A coach requests samples for a particular skill on a specific topic, and the AI can rapidly generate relevant worksheets, activities, visuals and more on demand. This provides coaches with abundant customizable materials for engaging clients without tedious manual creation.

Summarize Lessons and Takeaways  

AI can recap and summarize critical lessons, takeaways, goals and action items following coaching sessions. This supplemental overview is available immediately after each session to reinforce the experience while it's fresh. For training, AI summaries help cement core teachings and learnings for better retention. The ability to review AI summaries also improves coaching consistency.

Assess Client Sentiment and Needs

AI conversation analysis tools can help coaches pick up on subtle cues from clients that humans might miss. The AI can alert coaches to signs of frustration, disengagement or confusion by processing tone, word choices, pacing and context. It can suggest potential reasons and recommendations for reconnecting. This AI assessment of client sentiment provides an invaluable feedback loop.

Integrating thoughtfully designed AI into coach training elevates programs to the next level. While handling the full range of human emotion and wisdom requires human intuition, AI makes coaches more innovative, more skilled and better equipped to transform lives. With the responsible use of AI, the future of coaching looks very bright.