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CAS Cambridge @ WIPSCE

When 29 Sep 2023 Start14:30 End18:00
Organised by Simon Humphreys
Community Type

Local Community

Event Type

Face to Face

The WiPSCE conference is the premier international venue for school-level computing education research. This year it is being hosted in Cambridge and it's a great opportunity to tack the first CAS meeting of the 2023-24 academic year onto the end of its program!

All teachers (and anybody interested in CAS) are welcome to this meeting, even if you are not Cambridge-based. This is because we know there will be some teachers already attending WiPSCE. So we hope to have a full and vibrant meeting!

The meeting will run from 2:30- 5:00pm and will have a focus on research, as well as time for a bring and share session focused on planning for the new school year.

The timetable will be as follows:


Coffee/tea and cake will be available from 2pm onwards


Welcome, introductions


Jane Waite (Raspberry Pi Foundation): Introduction to the CAS Research group and their activities.

Discussion: how can CAS help you engage with research


Sue Sentance (University of Cambridge):

The CAS/RPCERC Teacher Research Network

Conducting a classroom-based research project in your school

Discussion: what issues could you investigate in your classroom.


Coffee/tea break


All: Bring and share (led by Simon Humphreys)
Please bring any ideas/resources you'd like to share that you are implementing in the new school year



This meeting falls at the end of a 3-day conference so we intend to go out for drinks/dinner afterwards and everyone is welcome.


For further information

Simon Humphreys