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24 May 2024

The Path to Computing Degrees: Unlocking Opportunities for All Students

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Becci Peters

Key Summary Points:

  • 42% of computing degrees are accredited by the BCS, ensuring high standards and industry recognition.
  • Only 22% of computing degrees require prior study in Computer Science.
  • A significant 73% of computing degrees have no specific subject entry requirements.
  • Computing degrees offer diverse career paths and lucrative job opportunities.
  • Encouraging all students to consider computing degrees, regardless of their academic background, is crucial.

The Path to Computing Degrees: Unlocking Opportunities for All Students

As a Computer Science teacher, I frequently encounter students who are passionate about technology but uncertain about their future academic and career paths. One common concern is whether their current subjects will limit their opportunities to pursue computing degrees. The good news is that a wide array of computing degrees are accessible to students from diverse academic backgrounds, making this field an inclusive and promising option for many.

Breaking Down Barriers to Entry

A recent analysis of 250 computing degrees revealed some encouraging statistics. Notably, 42% of these degrees are accredited by the British Computer Society (BCS), a testament to their quality and the professional advantages they offer. BCS accreditation assures students and employers alike that the degree meets rigorous industry standards, enhancing graduates' employability and career prospects.

Interestingly, only 22% of computing degrees require students to have studied Computer Science at A-Level. This statistic dispels the myth that a background in Computer Science is essential for entering the field. Moreover, a substantial 73% of computing degrees have no specific subject entry requirements at all. This openness reflects the evolving nature of the computing industry, which values diverse perspectives and skills.

No Need for Maths A-Level

Another prevalent misconception is that A-Level Maths is a prerequisite for studying computing at university. However, the data shows otherwise. Many computing degrees do not require A-Level Maths, focusing instead on skills that can be developed through the course itself. This means students who have not studied Maths at an advanced level still have a viable path to pursue computing degrees. This inclusivity broadens the horizon for many students, allowing those with strengths in other areas to thrive in computing disciplines.

Diverse Pathways and Opportunities

The flexibility in entry requirements opens doors for students who might not have pursued traditional STEM subjects but have a keen interest in computing. For instance, students who have excelled in subjects like English, History, or Art can bring unique analytical and creative skills to computing courses. This diversity is beneficial, as the field of computing thrives on varied viewpoints and innovative thinking.

Moreover, computing degrees cover a broad spectrum of specialisations, from software development and cybersecurity to data science and artificial intelligence. This diversity means students can find niches that align with their passions and strengths, whether they enjoy problem-solving, designing user experiences, or working with data.

Encouraging a New Generation of Computing Professionals

As educators, it is our responsibility to encourage all students to consider the vast opportunities in computing. Highlighting the accessibility of computing degrees can motivate students who might otherwise feel discouraged by perceived academic barriers. It's crucial to communicate that enthusiasm, creativity, and a willingness to learn are just as important as prior subject knowledge.

Additionally, emphasising the lucrative and dynamic career prospects in computing can help to attract students from various backgrounds. The demand for computing professionals continues to grow, with roles in technology offering competitive salaries and opportunities for advancement. By promoting the inclusivity and potential of computing degrees, we can inspire a new generation of students to explore this exciting field.


In conclusion, the path to computing degrees is more open than many students and educators might realize. With 42% of degrees accredited by the BCS, and the majority not requiring specific A-Level subjects, the barriers to entry are lower than ever. This inclusivity allows students from all academic backgrounds to pursue their passion for technology and embark on rewarding careers in computing. As educators, let's champion the message that computing is for everyone, fostering a diverse and innovative future workforce.

View the list of courses and their accreditation status and subject entry requirements


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