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06 August 2024

CAS Conference showcases the best of the UK Computing education community

CAS Conference showcases the best of the UK Computing education community

The CAS Conference returned with a bang at the weekend as the community gathered in person for the first time since 2019.

CAS members from across the country came together at Ada, National College for Digital Skills in London for a day filled with insight and inspiration and, most importantly, the opportunity to catch up with others from the Computing education community. Excitingly, the conference also got an exclusive look at a new programming language designed by Richard Pawson FBCS specifically for use in education.

Simon Peyton Jones started the day with an inspiring talk reminding us all of the importance and impact of computing education, setting the tone for the day.

Before everyone headed off to their personal programme of workshops, Professor Victoria Baines delivered a deeply relevant and thought-provoking keynote looking at deepfakes and how visuals and audio can be manipulated to change the narrative.

And while we can all (or nearly all) accept AI re-creating Carrie Fisher for a cameo in Star Wars, can we say the same about election campaigns resurrecting dead politicians to tug at voters’ emotional responses? An important reminder that critical thinking and questioning are still important skills to be imparted to young people.

With over 60 workshops running throughout the day, there was plenty of choice for everyone to choose from, ranging from hands-on sessions with teaching tools and robots to in-depth discussions on pedagogy and a look at recent teacher research projects.

At lunchtime, in between catch ups with old friends and making connections with new ones, members of the CAS community also celebrated 10 years of Barefoot and looked to future innovations with Richard Pawson’s exciting new programming language, which he encouraged everyone to go away and test out. We’re looking forward to hearing more of his development over the coming months.

 - Professor Baines delivers an opening keynote regarding AI

 - The Team celebrates 10 years of Barefoot

 - Richard Pawson introduces a new programming language

Miles Berry rounded off the day with an insightful look at the development of the computing curriculum in the 10 years since its launch, including a quote form his own daughter that could have been the basis for a keynote in its own right: “We’re interested in what we can do with computers. The boys are interested in what computers can do.” One for next year, perhaps?

Thank you to the army of speakers and workshop leaders, our hosts Ada and sponsors and exhibitors for helping to make the 2024 CAS Conference such an incredible day!

Missed out on attending? Don’t worry, you can download the session materials from each workshop

Want to register your interest in CAS Conference 2025? Sign up here to hear all the details once they’ve been finalised.

Key Conference highlights

  • Fascinating and insightful Keynotes from Professor Vic Baines, Miles Berry and Simon Peyton Jones
  • Exclusive launch of ELAN, a new programming languages for use in schools
  • Celebration of 10 years of Barefoot
  • Pre-conference meet up with Epic, involving a hands-on session with programmes including Lego Fortnite, Epic’s Unreal Engine and the Rube Goldberg learning kit
  • Recognition of AI innovators within the CAS community