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Remote Cubed - Contextual approaches for Physical Computing

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Last edit: 09 May 2022

Resource Type References, Guidebooks and Handbooks
Curriculum Topic Physical Computing

This presentation, shared at the Physical Computing working group meeting provides ideas for contextual computing through the Remote Cubed programme for young people to design and send a rover to an underground Mars yard.

The presentation includes details of:

❖Inspire the next generation of students into science and have lots of fun whilst doing it!

❖​Deliver STEM engagement to the most remote areas of Scotland.

❖Aimed at S1-S3 students in 10 Scottish high schools.

❖Teams of 4-6 students per school, design, build & programme a miniature Mars Rover.

❖After 14 weeks, send the rover to the Boulby Underground Laboratory to explore the STFC Mars Yard, 1.1 km deep underground.

Edit history

Peter Marshman | 09.05.22

Initial creation
