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Smart Bots - Coding with micro:bits and Machine Learning

Downloaded: 57

Last edit: 03 February 2025

Resource Type Worksheets and Activities, Lesson Plans, Teaching Resources, Example Programs and Live Lessons
Curriculum Topic Computer Systems, Physical Computing, Programming
English Key Stage 7-11 year (KS2)

The Lesson

The lesson uses knowledge of AI and Machine learning as an introduction to KS2 and KS3 pupils. The lesson looks at the three ways that computers learn and this leads into how we use supervised learning to train the micro:bit to be a fitness tracker

Contents and Equipment

Lesson includes

  • Slide Deck
  • 4 Activity Sheets 
  • An Exit ticket
  • Lesson plan

Equipment Needed

  • 2 x BBC micro:bit v2s per group/student
  • Rubberbands or other wrist strap item


Activity 1

Using the intelligent piece of paper work from Teaching London Computing. This activitity allows students to explore following an algorithm that will always win or draw at noughts and crosses. Students can then talk about how this could be a form of AI.

Activity 2

The teacher should show a micro:bit v2 and explain what is on the device. While doing this students can label the blank diagram that is on the activity sheet.

Activity 3

Use the worksheet to gather training data for the micro:bit. Each group will require 2 micro:bit v2s. It is unclear yet if you can train multiple groups at the same time due to using radio frequencies.

Activity 4

Build and test the machines!


Use the exit ticket to gather feedback and test knowledge


Please let me know of any feedback as I would like to make this better


These resources use the Code Club branding as it is produced by the Code Club @ Bootham School. The resources have no affilition with the Code Club and is not Code Club made. Branding has only been used so that it can be used in our Code Club sessions.

Edit history

Thomas Lund | 03.02.25

Initial creation
