SoS - Save our Seas
Downloaded: 497
Last edit: 10 September 2024

The resource is presented as a 10 lesson/10 hour module exploring plastics pollution on our oceans. Aimed mainly at KS4 and KS5 but can be scaled for other age groups.
This is a cross-curricula unit of work. Not all of it is computer science. The second half focuses on the use of online tools to model sea level rises with the last four lessons providing an opportunity to create a functioning AI (using Google Teachable Machine) to develop a system capable of detecting plastics on the surface and in the water column. This goes further and builds a system to identify turtles and, if time, other marine. Example AIs, massive datasets and support videos are in place to help this along.
The unit has been produced in response to the climate emergency. The pivot is UN SDG 14 'Life Below Water' (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).
The document is an 138 page handbook with lesson plans, presentation slides and a student workbook.
All files for the project can be downloaded from here
All resources can be edited to fit local circumstances. Please, as this is distributed free of charge I'd rather it not be adapted for financial gain (unless you make a decent contribution to the UN).
If you adapt please do reshare and, if you get a chance, let me know how it works for you.
Edit history
Michael Jones | 10.09.24
Initial creation
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