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Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge

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Last edit: 08 October 2024

Resource Type Worksheets and Activities, Teaching Resources, Example Programs and Live Lessons
Curriculum Topic Algorithmic Thinking, Computational Thinking
English Key Stage 5-7 year (KS1), 7-11 year (KS2), 11-14 year (KS3), 14-16 years (KS4), 16-18 Years (KS5)

The Bebras Challenge introduces computational thinking to students worldwide. This exciting challenge takes place in schools, under the supervision of teachers, over a two-week period every November. Last year, over 3 million students from more than 80 countries participated!

If you are interested in running the challenge at your school for the first time, why not join one of our online information sessions? More details on how to join these sessions can be found here

In the UK, the challenge is open to all young people aged 6 to 19. Each participant has 45 minutes to tackle a series of interactive tasks, designed to encourage logical thinking and problem-solving skills appropriate for their age group. The challenge is conducted online, and tasks are marked automatically by our competition system.

The tasks are designed to allow every student the opportunity to showcase their potential, whether they excel in maths or computing, or not.

The UK Bebras Challenge is organised by the Raspberry Pi Foundation and delivered in partnership with the University of Oxford.

More details can be found on the Bebras website. We look forward to seeing your students take part. 

Edit history

Harriet Page | 08.10.24

Initial creation
