CAS-Arm Innovation Day - Cleaner-Upper - presentation
Downloaded: 918
Last edit: 13 September 2023
Resource Type Teaching Resources, Example Programs and Live Lessons
Curriculum Topic Algorithmic Thinking, Computer Systems, Physical Computing
English Key Stage 11-14 year (KS3), 14-16 years (KS4)
Scottish Curriculum Levels S4 - National 4/5 (15-16 years), S1-S3 (11 - 15 years)
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Presentation for Oil Spill Cleaner-Upper Innovation Day
Edit history
Peter Marshman | 13.09.23
Peter Marshman | 05.09.23
Peter Marshman | 05.09.23
Peter Marshman | 05.09.23
Peter Marshman | 05.09.23
Initial creation
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