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Algorithm challenges (Pseudocode, flowcharts and Python)

Downloaded: 1189

Last edit: 07 July 2023

Resource Type Worksheets and Activities
Curriculum Topic Programming
English Key Stage 11-14 year (KS3), 14-16 years (KS4), 16-18 Years (KS5)
Scottish Curriculum Levels S4 - National 4/5 (15-16 years), S1-S3 (11 - 15 years), S5 Higher (16-17 years), S6 Advanced Higher (17-18 years)
Awarding Bodies AQA

A collection of 53 algorithm challenges for students to complete.

Each challenge has an AQA pseudocode, flowchart, and Python example solution.

This allows these challenges to be used to practice pseudocode, flowcharts, Python or all three.

At the beginning of the presentation there is an AQA pseudocode to Python conversion dictionary for students to refer to if practicing pseudocode to Python or vice versa.


  • Some of the pseudocode examples solutions are in the slide notes as they did not fit on the slide.
  • All of the Python example solutions are replit links in the slide notes.
  • A zip file of the Pyrhon example solutins is also provided if needed

Edit history

James King | 07.07.23

Initial creation

Discuss: Algorithm challenges (Pseudocode, flowcharts and Python) (2023-07-06)

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Matthew Rice
23/03/2024 07:51

James. Thank you so much for the brilliant resource. I can’t open the answers but it’s probably something I’m doing wrong. I’m fairly new to the programming game so these would have helped me but I’m grateful for the questions. This must have taken you ages. Thanks again.

Mark Weddell
08/07/2023 20:15

Yup, this looks really well presented with lots of examples.
To anyone downloading, just rename with .zip as Richard mentioned
Thanks James…

B Simmons
08/07/2023 12:47

same filename problem as above.

Maybe that’s part of an ICT challenge. :wink:

Richard Pawson
07/07/2023 12:02

Thanks for sharing this, James. (When I downloaded it, the file wouldn’t open, but I suspect that the problem was just that a long file-name had been truncated - as the name looked incomplete anyway. But by adding .zip on the end I was able to then open the file OK. Might be worth re-uploading with a short file name?) The other one (introduction to programming theory) opened fine.
