EYFS Outcomes
Downloaded: 1321
Last edit: 08 August 2022
With no statutory guidance on what to actually teach in the Early Years to 'foster an understanding of our technologically diverse world', assessing if we have prepared pupils for the KS1 Computing National Curiculum is a tricky task. Here is what I’ve put together to support our Early Year team at St Nicholas ensure that we have a sound understanding of what we are aiming to achieve with our pupils by the end of Foundation Stage.
Please note that this is very school specific and will not necessarily work in all settings. For example, direct reference is made to the use of iPads and to our Purple Mash subscription. It is shared only as one example of how we get our Early Years pupils 'school ready' when it comes to Computing.
Edit history
Rachael Coultart | 08.08.22
Initial creation
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