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Moving Bridges using the Crumble controller

Downloaded: 885

Last edit: 29 June 2022

English Key Stage 7-11 year (KS2)
Scottish Curriculum Levels P5-P7 (9-11 years)
Curriculum Topic Algorithmic Thinking, Effective use of tools, Programming
Resource Type Worksheets and Activities, Lesson Plans, Teaching Resources, Example Programs and Live Lessons

This resource includes all of the smart notebooks and other resources required to complete the project with the children. The children had done some prior learning about Pulleys, Levers and Gears in their Science studies. They also had experienced using the Crumble controller on a variety of projects before. They were tasked with the job of designing and building a moving bridge for the Panama canal to save fuel. The exact brief/challenge given to them is included in the resources. The smartbooks are not complete at the end because we used the Tuk Tuk Challenge and other resources I have released to remind them about computing. Enjoy and do email if you need help or advice.

Here is a short video of a small sample of the finished bridges:

Level: Intermediate

Duration: Just over half term of DT and Computing lessons

Teaches: KS2 CS and DT.

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