Project Quantum - User Launch Page
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Last edit: 10 February 2022
Using Diagnostic Questions
The DQ system is being used very successfully by a large number of mathematics teachers. The instructions and examples you’ll find of using DQ may be based around mathematics, but the same use and potential apply to the computing classroom as well.
Diagnostic Questions Website
Go here to create an account. Follow the ‘Explore’, ‘Teach’, and ‘Collaborate’ links for a quick overview of the facilities of the system. Then, you can create an account and sign in.
Main Help Page
This will give you a general overview of how you might use questions in your classroom.
Writing Questions
When you’re ready to take the plunge and author a question for yourself, visit this link. Here you will find the different methods used for getting a question into the system.
Creating Quizzes
Creating and sharing quizzes is really easy. You can find step-by-step instructions for creating quizzes and making them publicly accessible in the attached resource.
How to Videos
These videos will talk you through some of the other facilities in the DQ system. Here you will find how to set up a quiz and administer it to a class.
More Resources
Craig Barton has been using the DQ system in his mathematics classroom. He often posts informative blogs about how to use the DQ system and how he has used it in his own classroom.
What is the content like?
The content of the computing questions on the DQ site have been tagged to reflect their location in the computing curriculum.
Currently, you will see the tagging system represented as a hierarchy, with computing at the top. High-level sections include CS Foundations, IT Applications, and DL Implications. These are further broken down into categories such as decomposition, repetition, networks, data handling, audio, intellectual property, and communication. Questions can be tagged to several categories.
There are existing questions for key stage 2 to post-16 learners. The majority of the questions, however, are suitable for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.
Useful pedagogy
Use a couple of questions in your starter to determine if you actually need to cover that material today. Sometimes learners surprise us.
Peer instruction – show a question, get responses, have pupils discuss/share, get responses again. How many improved?
Create a quiz to be used for homework.
Have learners create their own questions (in class, homework). Challenge them to make the distractors as plausible as possible.
Use whiteboards for responses (quick overview of the class)
Want to find out more about Project Quantum? Visit the main resource page.
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