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Programming in an engaging and inclusive curriculum

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Last edit: 07 September 2023

Curriculum Topic Programming

Thanks to everyone who sat through my workshop at the CAS Conference in Birmingham on 18th June 2016.

This presentation contains all of the links to resources and ideas discussed during the session.

Quick summary:

The numbers of students taking GCSE Computing is rising in the UK but the overall number of taught hours in IT/Computing is falling due to the 2014 reforms. Girls are significantly under-represented in Computer Science post KS3 but boys are under-performing in comparison.

All students are different. There are always exceptions to stereotypes. Building on the excellent advice and resources on CAS #include, this session suggested 6 ingredients to consider using when planning a project or schemes of work so that every student can enjoy making progress in computing regardless of gender, race, religion, ability or background.

It's unrealistic to expect to be able to include each ingredient in every lesson, but if we make a deliberate effort to create opportunities for each of these across the curriculum, I hope that we'll find a greater - and more diverse - number of students choosing to continue with computer science in the future.

Apologies if the links to blog posts appear too self-promoting. I wanted to be able to write up everything we discussed in the workshop in more detail so all of the examples and resources can be accessed in context later where needed.

Edit history

Pete Dring | 05.10.22

QA check 10/2022
