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Primary Computing question prompts for pupils

Downloaded: 1461

Last edit: 05 November 2021

Key Stage 1 Programming, Technology, Safety, Other
Key Stage 2 Programming, Networks, Software Use, Safety, Other
Language/Platform Scratch, Python, HTML/CSS/Javascript, Other
Imported Resource Type For Teachers, For Students, Enhancement and Enrichment, Extension Material, Quiz/Assessment, For Hubs
Subject Knowledge Algorithms, Programming and Development, Data and Data Representation, Communication and Networks, Other, Information Technology, Digital Literacy
Age Range 7-, 7-11

Based on 'Bums on a rugby post' - see image (right) - this resource is aimed at helping pupils to be independent in deepening their own understanding when working through a project.

Could be used as an extension task where they choose a question to answer. Could be used as a gap task. Could be used by staff to pose questions verbally. Could be used on posters in the Computing suite . . .

If you can think of a great question to deepen thinking, please edit this resource

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