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Scratch ‘People from the Past’ project

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Last edit: 05 November 2021

Key Stage 1 Programming
Key Stage 2 Programming
Imported Resource Type Curriculum/SoW, For Teachers, For Students, Extension Material
Subject Knowledge Programming and Development, Algorithms, Information Technology, Digital Literacy
Language/Platform Scratch
Age Range 7-, 7-11

My Year 2 children are each going to be selecting a famous person from the past and creating a Scratch presentation about what made them famous.

To introduce the unit, we did some ‘shared coding’ (a bit like shared writing in English, when the teacher scribes for the children and they generate and debate the ideas). They’ll then create storyboards/scripts in English/Topic and work it up in Computing time; we're giving them two one-day blocks for them to get their teeth into it.

If they’re happy to share, I’ll post some examples when they’ve finished. Here’s our shared code to download which should give you an idea.

Inspired by this and similar to this.


Links across strands:

CS: Programming; IT; Creating backgrounds, manipulating images; creating digital artefacts; researching DL: Sourcing legal images; sharing code with others; blogging; effective search

Links across the curriculum:

English: Writing storyboards; Maths: Timed events; co-ordinates; scale; History: Expressing their ideas about significant people of the past in a variety of ways; Art: Sketching storyboards; Music: Creating and manipulating sounds

Edward Jenner image used under CC license

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