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Primary Computing vocabulary resource

Downloaded: 4416

Last edit: 05 November 2021

Key Stage 2 Programming, Other
Subject Knowledge Programming and Development, Algorithms
Imported Resource Type Posters, For Teachers, For Students, Extension Material, For Hubs
Key Stage 1 Programming
Language/Platform Scratch
Age Range 7-, 7-11

When I did an audit last year of how staff felt about the 2014 Computing curriculum, 'Fear of jargon' was a recurring theme. It occurred to me there was a connection between the excellent subject knowledge of our staff in grammar and the programming languages they found so mysterious. As a result, I produced this. Thanks to Phil Bagge for kindly sense-checking it.

Could be a poster, a staff CPD resource, a 'match the definitions' game . . .

Drop me a comment if you've any suggestions for improvements, or use the Pages file if you want to adapt it

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