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Exploded computer display

Downloaded: 1134

Last edit: 05 November 2021

Key Stage 1 Technology
Key Stage 2 Other
Subject Knowledge Hardware and Processing
Imported Resource Type Posters, For Teachers, For Students
Age Range 7-, 7-11

An idea for displaying parts of a computer using fishing wire attached from the ceiling to a desktop PC case. I asked my Year 2 class to predict what each part did and then we played Kim's Game by turning off the lights.

Thanks to our Head, Jon Gale, for making it!

Now with labels on a Word doc to download, or you could easily create your own to suit. I've included definitions, so you can edit to suit. We left most of the definitions off because we felt it was better AfL to ask the children to predict the functions of each component. It meant we could also question on what they thought was an input/process/output component and explain why

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