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A draft Primary Computing assessment tool

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Last edit: 10 December 2021

Key Stage 1 Other
Imported Resource Type Curriculum/SoW, For Teachers, Quiz/Assessment
Key Stage 2 Other
Subject Knowledge Algorithms, Programming and Development, Data and Data Representation, Hardware and Processing, Communication and Networks, Information Technology, Digital Literacy
Age Range 7-, 7-11

I felt our school tracker had insufficient detail, so I created this document based on Miles Berry's work. It's tailored to the scheme of work I designed. Our SoW has an emphasis on cross-curricular Computational Thinking through simulated/physical systems: Lego WeDo, Scratch, HTML, Scratch Jr, Bee-Bots and Unplugged for CS activities. This is a draft, so please adapt, criticise, bin as you see fit.

This could help with triangulating scrutiny evidence and observations. Also, it's easy to identify G&T, less able and possibly teachers' CPD needs.

Finally, I think it could help in identifying whole school medium-term and longitudinal trends as the document follows the cohort through the school from Foundation Stage to Year 6.

OR . . you could just use Mark Dorling's excellent Progression Pathways and some highlighter pens!

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