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Binary Sprite Designer

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Last edit: 05 November 2021

Key Stage 2 Programming, Networks, Other
Key Stage 3 Binary
Subject Knowledge Data and Data Representation, Communication and Networks
Imported Resource Type Other, For Teachers, For Students, Extension Material
Age Range 7-11, 11-14

This started life with me trimming out squares of card. As the tedium set in, I thought about the children without fully developed fine motor skills who might be more able at Computing, but would struggle with arranging stuff on tables. Then I thought about the ones with poor spatial awareness who bump into tables. Then I thought about the door opening on a windy day . . . and so I did this instead. The squares should snap to the grid.

Originally created for a Year 5 unit and inspired by an excellent CAS Data session at Birmingham City University. Thank you Duncan Maidens. And to John Kershaw for this excellent online resource

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