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FlappyClone - Scratch FlappyBird Clone

Downloaded: 1005

Last edit: 11 October 2022

Resource Type Worksheets and Activities, Lesson Plans
Curriculum Topic Design & Development, Programming

A very basic FlappyBird clone, written in Scratch using sprites available online.

The tutorial contains some extensions and challenges for pupils to make the game their own.

Originally written as a "special" session for a Code Club held at Ramsden Primary School in Nottinghamshire.

Level: (Beginner / Intermediate/ Advanced) Intermediate (or Code Club Level 2)

Duration: (duration, if applicable) 1 hour

Teaches: (set of concepts learned) Programming, loops, events, conditionals, digital creativity, plagiarism!, variables, basic trigonometry and basic physics.

Edit history

Mark Hardisty | 11.10.22

Reviewed resources and updated categories.
