CAS Computing Progression Pathways KS1 (Y1) to KS3 (Y9) by topic
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Last edit: 28 June 2022
There is a PDF document available for download that explains how the CAS Computing Progression Pathways can be used both with and without Digital Badges. To view these learning statements by 'unofficial' please see the document, CAS Computing Progression Pathways KS1 (Y1) to KS3 (Y9) by 'unofficial' strand.
This document 'works hand in hand with the CAS Computational Thinking Guidance for teachers’.
For a free training course created by CAS for senior leaders on understanding computational thinking, progression and an updated OFSTED S5 observation form with worked examples please see this resource.
We will continue to develop this agenda – if you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to have a conversation with any of the authors or email feedback.
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA.
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