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Calculator created in Snap and BYOB (similar to Scratch)

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Last edit: 04 February 2023

Curriculum Topic Programming

Looking at Scratch calculators for my GCSE computing class, I was surprised at how complicated the code was and thought there must be an easier solution. Here is a calculator programmed in Snap (BYOB) , a lot like Scratch but with more commands available. As well as the usual + - * and /, there is also convertor buttons to farenheit and celcius. An extremely easy piece of code which can easily be broken down to see it's workings. Could be used to show programming a GUI at GCSE level. Buttons can be easily changed to change the look.

Download the xml file and then import into your Snap file. Snap can be found at and is an online editor. Once loaded and changed you can then save to your computer or use Snap's cloud storage.

I have also included a version you can open in the latest version of BYOB that can be installed on the computers.

Level: (Intermediate)

Teaches: (Programming in Snap)

Edit history

Andy Paul | 04.02.23

no changes, just checking and saving as requested by CAS
