Primary Master Teacher Training Materials
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Last edit: 10 December 2021
These are links to slides and other resources used for the University of Roehampton / Computing at School primary master teacher training course.
Please treat these as licensed under CC by-nc-sa terms.
Day 1 - Algorithms
Session 1 - Computational Thinking
- Session recording
- Further resources from CAS
- Barr and Stephenson (2011) Bringing Computational Thinking to K-12
- Berry (2014) Computational thinking in primary schools
- Berry (2014) More to computing than coding
- Brennan and Resnick (2012) New frameworks for studying and assessing the development of computational thinking
- Crow (2014) The basics of computer science
- Selby (2013) Computational thinking: the developing definition
- Wing (2011) Computational thinking - what and why?
Session 2 - Search and Sort
- Session recording
- CS Unplugged: searching algorithms
- CS Unplugged: sorting algorithms
- AlgorRythmics sort algorithms through the medium of folk dance
- Binary search Scratch jigsaw
- Bubble sort Scratch jigsaw
Session 3 - Algorithms
- Session recording
- Tumblr for 'flow chart porn' (SFW, I think, but YMMV)
- Aberdeen (2012) Probabalistic Page Rank [simulation](http://youtu. be/4eBsP14O5L0?t=20m30s) and [resources]( data/uploads/conf2011/real-life.pdf)
- Phil Bagge's sandwich bot resources and outtakes video
- David Cope's computer models of musical creativity
- Dickman (2012) How Google search works
- Yeomans (2014) We need architects and bricklayers
- Yeomans (2014) Becoming and algorithmic school
Session 4 - Programming languages
- "Hello, world!" in many programming languages
- History of programming languages posters: O'Reilly, 2003 and IBM, 2010
- Iry (2009) A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages
- Peyton-Jones et al (2003) Improving the world's most popular functional language: user-defined functions in Excel
- Utting et al (2010) Alice, Greenfoot, and Scratch – A Discussion
- XBox 360 (generous education discount)
Day 2 - Programming
Session 1 - Robotics
- Session recording
- Scratch Bee Bot / Roamer simulator, Maze and Treasure Island
- Lego WeDo
- Arduino materials
- Raspberry Pi learning materials
- BBC / Glasshead Studios: Cracking the Code
- Boston Dynamic: Big Dog etc
- Google's self-driving car
Session 2 - Text based programming (Pete Kemp)
- Bagge (2013) primary Python materials
- Berry (2014) Text based programming in primary schools?
- Chippindall (2013) KS2 Python scheme of work
- Miller and Ranum (2013) How to think like a computer scientist, eg Hello little turtles
- Williams and Kessler (2000) All I really needed to know about pair programming I learned in kindergarten.
- Skulpt: browser based Python
- Idle - standard integrated development environment for Python
- iPython - interactive shell for Python; very useful for data analysis and mathematical / scientific computing
Session 3 - Educational game challenge
- Session recording
- Armoni and Ben-Ari (2013) Computer Science Concepts in Scratch
- Brennan et al (2011) A design-based introduction to computational thinking with Scratch
- David Malan on Scratch for budding computer scientists
- Livingstone and Hope (2011) Next Gen
- Papert (1971) Teaching children thinking
- Papert (1998) Does easy do it? (pp 63-64)
- Resnick et al (2009) Scratch: programming for all
- Resnick (2012) Learning from Scratch
- Example scripts: tables test, pairs, spelling test
- Roehampton guest lectures from Ian Livingstone and Antonio Gould (incomplete recording)
Day 3 - Bits and Bobs
Session 1 - Binary
- Session recording
- Binary Decimal conversion questions - CIMT MEP
- Binary Decimal addition and subtraction questions - CIMT MEP
- Binary Decimal multiplication questions - CIMT MEP
- Binary Decimal conversion spreadsheet
- Binary Decimal conversion functions in Snap!
- demo
Session 2 - Binary representation
Session 3 - Computers
Session 4 - Robots
Day 4 - Ethics and the Internet
Session 1 - The internet
Session 2 - The web
Session 3 - Ethical and legal aspects
Day 5 - Conclusion and sharing our practice
Session 1 - Mopping up
Session 2 - Assessment
Session 3 - Sharing our practice
- Miles: Demystifying the curriculum
- Steve Gibson: Why is data so important?
- Chris and Iain: Physical Computing
- Alan Kilcoyne Binary
- Tony Allday Programming on the iPad
- Session recording
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 5 days
Teaches: Covers the Teaching Agency subject knowledge requirements for entry into CS teacher training at primary level
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