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Primary Master Teacher Training Materials

Downloaded: 1884

Last edit: 10 December 2021

Imported Resource Type For Teachers, Policy Documents
Key Stage 1 Other
Key Stage 2 Other
Age Range 7-11, 7-

These are links to slides and other resources used for the University of Roehampton / Computing at School primary master teacher training course.

Please treat these as licensed under CC by-nc-sa terms.

Day 1 - Algorithms

Session 1 - Computational Thinking

Sorting out computational thinking

Session 2 - Search and Sort

Bubble sort in action

Session 3 - Algorithms

"Scoop up butter with knife"

Session 4 - Programming languages

Try Haskell

Day 2 - Programming

Session 1 - Robotics

Lego WeDo

Session 2 - Text based programming (Pete Kemp)

Pete Kemp on Python

Session 3 - Educational game challenge

Adaptive learning design in Scratch

Day 3 - Bits and Bobs

Session 1 - Binary


Session 2 - Binary representation


Session 3 - Computers

Turing machines

Session 4 - Robots


Day 4 - Ethics and the Internet

Session 1 - The internet

Can you draw the internet?

Session 2 - The web


Session 3 - Ethical and legal aspects

Copyright designs and patents explained

Day 5 - Conclusion and sharing our practice

Session 1 - Mopping up


Session 2 - Assessment

Session 3 - Sharing our practice

Raspberry Pi

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 5 days

Teaches: Covers the Teaching Agency subject knowledge requirements for entry into CS teacher training at primary level

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