Computational Thinking Homeworks
Downloaded: 1750
Last edit: 05 November 2021
I am currently writing a How to Code in Python book for Hodder Gibson based on these type of puzzles and my other programming challenges resource. This should be available around Nov 2019 and will include:
Examples of Python code with explanations
Many many more puzzles
An extended list of programming challenges
Solutions to the above with commentaries.
It is being written to cover both the English and Scottish curriculums.
These are the first of a few Computational Thinking homeworks I'm going to create to supplement my Scottish National 4/5 Programming course.
The homeworks will take the form of a series of puzzles designed to encourage the reading and understanding of code and in particular the logic behind the code.
Homeworks 1&2 are written in Scratch to allow their use with a variety of year groups. No understanding of Scratch is required to complete the first two homeworks. The programming language is simply being used as a vehicle to ask the questions.
Homework 3 onwards are written in Python.
Homework 1 - Fixed Loops
Homework 2 - Values & Variables
Homework 3 - String Handling
Homework 4 - IF (Making Decisions)
Homework 5 - Built in Functions (Added Sept 14)
Level: (Beginner / Intermediate/ )
Duration: (20 - 30 minutes each)
Teaches: (Computational Thinking)
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