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Computing POS - guidance notes for Primary and Infant schools

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Last edit: 28 June 2022

English Key Stage 5-7 year (KS1), 7-11 year (KS2)
Scottish Curriculum Levels P2-P4 (6-9 years), P5-P7 (9-11 years)
Curriculum Topic Algorithmic Thinking, Computer Systems, Impact of technology, Creating Media, Effective use of tools, Computer Networks, Data & Information, Programming, Design & Development, Safety & Security
Resource Type References, Guidebooks and Handbooks

This is an adaptation of the original guidance notes produced by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, and Royal Academy of Engineering, Nov 2012 These notes give additional guidance on the thinking behind some of the words and phrases in the Draft Programme of Study (POS).

Although originally written by the working group that drafted the Programme of Study, these notes are not endorsed by DfE. Indeed they should be regarded as just one resource in the rich menu of online resources to support teaching and learning in computing. Level: KS 1 and KS 2 A plain English overview of the Computing POS for KS 1 and KS 2.

CPD Prezzi - Understanding the Computing POS for Primary schools

A further exemplification of the Programmes of Study (February 2013) can be found on google docs.

There is additional guidance in CAS's Computing in the national curriculum A guide for primary teachers drawing on some of the above work, and mailed out to all English primary schools in November 2013.

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