Media Coverage and blogs
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Blogs and regular coverage
- Data, Tech & Policy by Professor Tom Crick
- On Information Leadership Dr Andrew Tuson writes on matters of concern to CIOs especially skills and what is taught in schools.
- News about computing education in schools in Europe. Articles from UK and other European countries. Interesting to read about what is happening elsewhere!
- Computing Education blog Although this is USA-based, it has useful thought-provoking material
- Teach Computing Alan O'Donohoe charts the progress of introducing computing into his school's curriculum and organising events to inspire and engage others into computing.
- The team at KCL blogs about Computing education. Always worth a browse
- Jamie Edmondson shares his ideas from a primary computing classroom/li>
- Jo Badge thinks out loud about how she introduces many aspects of computing into her primary classrooms.
- Simon Johnson's blog and resource collection
- Miles Berry's Open Mind blog, plus links to his presentations and publications.
Individual media or blog articles
- How to Prepare the Next Generation for Jobs in the AI Economy appeared in the Harvard Business Review JUNE 05, 2017, written by David Kosbie, Andrew W. Moore,, Mark Stehlik. Highlights CAS as the main organisation in the UK supporting computing in schools, within a wider discussion of the need for excellent computing education in US schools.
- Anthony Wong (President, Australian Computer Society) writes with hope that the Australian federal Budget will provide enough for ACS to develop a CAS style network in Australia
- Computing GCSE 'leaves girls and poorer students behind', qv the same story in Schools Week: Government’s computing revolution is excluding girls and poorer pupils, report finds
- Ofsted 'should monitor computing success in schools over five years'
- Coding in the Classroom - UK launches enormous pilot project at all levels Summary of changes in 'UK' from Canadian perspective
- Should kids learn to code?, long article, Guardian, 3 Dec 2015
- Can coding make the classroom better, Slate, Nov 2015. This report comes from South Fayette, Pennsylvania.
- How computing won the day Article from Schools Week with several mentions for CAS and BCS, 18 Nov 2015
- Computing, programming and coding in schools Article from Australian publication "Teacher" featuring CAS Master Teacher Peter Gaynord. Oct 2015
- The BBC micro:bit; the inside story, Sept 2015, Wired Magazine.
- De Blasio to Announce 10-Year Deadline to Offer Computer Science to All Students, New York Times 15 Sept 2015.
- More than coding - If the new curriculum ends up being little more than programming it will have failed Sept 09
- Global push to teach coding, a 10-minute piece about the UK computing curriculum, broadcast in Canada by CBC in early Sept 2015. Features Peter Gaynord and Simon Peyton Jones.
- Coding in the classroom: Python overtakes French as most popular 'language' in primary schoolsInternational Business Times, 1 Sept 2015
- How to teach coding and programming Guardian Teach Network Sept 2015
- Guest Post: The Promise of Computational Thinking Bill Mitchell, BCS Director of Education, on the centrality of computational thinking and how England is leading other D5 countries. July 2015
- What is code?, a hilarious article about the nature of programming. It's hard to cagegorise because it covers both social/cultural and technical aspects. It made me laugh a lot. Posted by Catriona Lambeth.
- Teacher communities – what makes them tick?, post on Merlin John's site, by Kirsten Weatherby, June 2015
- Students to learn about cyber-security and programming in new GCSE20 May: Daily Telegraph
- Educating Britain's young people for the next industrial revolution 11 May 2015. Robotics, automation and the internet of things will be at the centre of our future economy but is the UK doing enough to ensure the younger generation is ready?
- Codio supports the BCS Certificate in Computer Science Teaching
- BBC gives children mini-computers in Make it Digital scheme, the launch announcement of the BBC Make It Digital project. Dominic Connor's follow-up article in the Register.
- Codio launches video series "Ask the Experts". First one features CAS Board Member Shahneila Saeed (Digital Schoolhouse)
- Google, Ofcom, BCS and teachers raise UK digital skills concerns Feb 19
- Coding in British schools: A review of the first term Jan 26 2015
- Tech firms support computing lessons Overview of Nicky Morgan's speech at BETT 2015
- 'When pupils know more than teachers' Jason Budge (CAS Master Teacher) reflects on curriculum reform. The Telegraph 19 Jan 2015
- CAS Barefoot Computing with Islington Council celebrating the computing curriculum Jan 15, 2015
- Computing in school: pupils sometimes know more than their teachers Press release accompanying the launch of the Quickstart Computing project. Jan 13 2015. Also here and commented on in the Independent Jan 22
- Why, and how, to teach computer hacking, The Guardian, 6 Jan 2015. Cyber Games 3.0,and some broader discussion of the new curriculum.
- From the maker of Lara Croft: the teenager’s dream of a free school, Guardian 6 Jan 2015. Ian Livingstone's drive to create a network of free schools.
- Outside the Skinner box, Independent Schools Magazine, 2015. A interesting discussion of the broader impact of design, programming, and technology on teaching and learning. See also Chris Bigenho's blog (he seems to be a contribute to the NAIS magazine) on coding vs computational thinking.
- Dec 2014: Britain wants all students learn to program Article from Swedish TV company (SVT) on curriculum changes in UK. Article is in Swedish!
- Dec 2014: End-user computing, Adam Wiggins. Advocates a focus on the end-user task rather than on the programming technology, using Bonne Nardi's 1993 book "A small matter of programming" as starting point.
- Dec 2014: Kids should code: why 'computational thinking' needs to be taught in schools, Guardian, 19 Dec 2014. Interestingly, this article comes from Australia.
- Dec 2014: Schools turn to cyber crime to spark interest in computer science
- Dec 2014: New primary hub in Leicester Local Leicester newspaper features the new hub running at Rushey Mead Primary School.
- Dec 2014: Glyndwr University professor (and CAS member!) recognised for raising computer science standards
- Nov 2014: Global computing phenomenon comes to Ayrshire Coderdojo starts a club in Ayrshire
- Nov 2014: Computing faces staffing meltdown Article by TES Scotland on recent CAS Scotland report into Computing teacher numbers.
- Nov 2014: Computer science teaching in decline Herald article based on recent CAS Scotland report into Computing teacher numbers.
- Nov 2014: Worldwide competition sees school kids’ robots battle it out
- Oct 2014: TalkTalk Digital Heroes: Computer science whizz Andrew Mulholland is crowned 2014 overall winner, Mirror, 29 Oct 2014. Andrew is one of CAS's youngest members.
- Oct 2014: Open letter from industry leaders to EU ministers, saying "Whether analysing healthcare data, designing security software or creating special effects for movies, coding is the red thread that runs through Europe's future professions. However, the spread and sophistication of coding teaching in Europe remains too limited. Code is easy to learn but not widely taught in schools". This provoked quite a bit of follow-up media coverage,eg
- Facebook and Microsoft warn EU: 'Not enough being done to teach coding', TES, 14 Oct 2014. "The signatories praised the path taken by England in establishing a computing curriculum that went further than teaching kids how to use a computer, but they voiced concern that a recent poll showed teachers felt unprepared to deliver the new syllabus"
- Oct 2014 Microsoft, SAP and Facebook call on EU to support better IT education, Computer Weekly, 14 Oct 2014
- Oct 2014: UK child coders triumph in European contest, BBC news 16 Oct 2014, about the Kodu Kup.
- Oct 2014: Computing curriculum will not meet needs of industry, research warns, TES, 13 Oct 2014.
- Oct 2014: EU Code Week - Computing At School Simon Humphreys and Simon Peyton Jones providing the background story to CAS, the Computing curriculum and perceived success factors for European colleagues.
- Sept 2014: Kids coding at school: 'When you learn computing, you're thinking about thinking', Guardian online, interview with Bill Mitchell, 22 Sept 2014.
- Sept 2014: Why we're teaching coding in primary schools, Mumsnet guest post by the Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan, 19 Sept 2014. She focuses on coding and jobs, as do the comments, but it's still good to have supportive comment from her.
- Sept 2014 Hello world!: training an army of tiny techies, The Economist, 20 Sept 2014.
- Sept 2014: Coding at school: a parent's guide to England's new computing curriculum The Guardian 4th September 2014
- Sept 2014 A computing revolution in schools, BBC News 1 Sept 2014, by Rory Cellan Jones.
- Sept 2014 BBC begins kids coding push with Bitesize and TV shows, introduces the BBC's plans to support computing at school. More resources here.
- Aug 2014 Series of articles on the new computing curriculum in International Business Times, including a video interview with Simon PJ. The link should list them all, but in case it fails, the articles include
- Will the New National Curriculum Actually Work?,
- How 2014 Became the Year Coding Took Over the World,
- Computational Thinking Will Allow Children to 'Change the World',
- Schools Across England Introduce Coding to the Curriculum,
- What is Coding and Why is it so Important?,
- Critics Challenge Computing Curriculum Change.
- August 2014: Interrupt Kids’ Regularly Scheduled Programming: Teaching computer science without touching a computer, Slate, August 2014. A Slate article about "unplugged" activities.
- August 2014: Supporting schools at grass roots level, advertisement feature from Edge Hill University re. computing in schools and CAS
- August 2014: Computing at School: rethinking how computing is taught - Tony Hey,Microsoft Research Connections Blog,14 August 2014
- August 2014: The UK's new computing curriculum is here: Are teachers ready? Computer Weekly, August 2014
- August 2014: Teachers lack confidence in teaching computer curriculum, The Argus, 15 August 2014
- August 2014: Microsoft is rethinking how computing is taught in primary and secondary schools throughout the UK,, 15 August 2014
- July 2014: Lack of coding skills may lead to skills shortage in Europe, Computer Weekly, 30 July 2014. Describes EU Code Week.
- July 2014: Master teachers set to be the new classroom elite, Guardian 5 July 2014.
- July 2014: Teachers unready for computing ambitions, TES 12 July 2014.
- July 2014: How should we assess computing? - text of article by Miles Berry in Teach Primary.
- July 2014: Switch to digital aims to bring the arts out of the Indiana Jones storeroom, Times Higher Ed, 3 July 2014. Digital technology is becoming pervasive in liberal arts.
- June 2014: We can code it! Why computer literacy is key to winning the 21st century, by Tasneem Raja, in Mother Jones. A longish popular article, covering programming, computational thinking, diversity, the Exploring Computer Science program, and other stuff besides. A bit USA-centric (does not mention the UK) but a good read.
- June 2014: The next Bill Gates may be five years old. Microsoft wants to nurture them, Guardian 6 June 2014.
- May 2014: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and Lately, Coding, New York Times, 10 May 2014.
- May 2014: Tom Crick on The Wales Report (BBC) on the situation in Wales (c.12 mins in)
- May 2014: More to computing than coding. Miles Berry in the TES on the difference (and similarity) between 'coding' and 'programming'.
- May 2014: Young, free and digital: Meet five web stars who turned an idea into businesses worth millions... and they are all under 25, Daily Mail, 29 April 2014.
- Apr 2014: A is for algorithm, the Economist. A good article about the new computing curriculum.
- Apr 2014: Countdown to Computing Announcement and press release in Computer World
- March 2014: DfE talk to Mark Dorling about the help that Computing at School can offer to teachers who are preparing for the new computing curriculum.
- March 2014: Computational thinking in primary schools. Piece by Miles Berry for TeachPrimary.
- Jan 2014: TES EdTech Special podcast, inc interview with Mark Dorling
- Jan 2014: Computer weekly: Quotes and discussion on the new curriculum ... not everybody likes it
- Jan 2014: DfE: Michael Gove speaks about computing and education technology at BETT 2014
- Jan 2014: BBC: the growth of teenagers who are getting into programming
- Jan 2014: BBC reports on Michael Gove's speech at BETT 2014 on the Master Teacher programme
- Dec 2013: Why computer science?, a great blog post by an innovative teacher in South Carolina.
- Nov 2013: Wendy Devolder (CEO SkillsMatter) gives the industry view on why the new curriculum is important
- Nov 2013: BBC makes 2015 'year of making and coding', Merlin John Online. This follows on from BBC plans to help get the nation coding back in October.
- Nov 2013: Teaching our children to code: a quiet revolution, Telegraph.
- Sept 2013: New national curriculum for computing. Article on Rising Stars blog about the final changes to the programmes of study.
- Aug 2013: Is computer science for you?, Telegraph Aug 2013. An obsession with studying computer science led Marily Nika to pursue her dream - eventually.
- May 2013: Learning to code isn't enough, Edsurge blog post by Shuchi Grover.
- May 2013: Coding essential to future curriculum, says Michael Gove, Computer Weekly, 9 May 2013. Her is the speech in full, which has a passage about computing.
- The computing programme of study. Piece summarising the primary curriculum for Teach Primary.
- Apr 2013: James Dent writes on changes to curriculum and challenges from a classroom perspective
- Apr 2013: Gove launches the Technical Baccalaureate to start September 2014.
- Apr 2013: Blurred vision Can schools tap the full potential of digital technology? TESS article providing an overview of the Scottish Learning Through Technology 2013 conference, 19 April
- Apr 2013: Education Minister Elizabeth Truss announces more than £2 million of funding so the best computing teachers can help train thousands more teachers. The DfE's press release on their grant to the BCS/CAS Network of Excellence. Subsequent comment: Merlin John.
- Feb 2013: Computer programming education needed, USA Today, Feb 2013. A news article to accompany the launch of
- Apr 2013: Why your 8-year-old should be coding, VentureBeat, 12 Apr 2013. Describes the vision behind Tynker, a start-up aimed at helping primary-aged children to learn programming.
- Apr 2013: Warning over skills gap in computing, BBC Scotland, 3 April 2013
- Mar 2013: Ofsted warns of skills shortage among computing teachers, V3, 4 March 2013
- Mar 2013: Why girls should be geeks too, Telegraph, 20 March 2013.
- Mar 2013: Report about the UK scene, esp Raspberry Pi, on German radio (in English).
- Jan 2013: the landmark announcement from DfE that Computer Science is to be treated like other science subects, as part of the EBacc. Other coverage:
- BBC News Computer science part of English Baccalaureate
- UKIE Computer Science is being introduced into the English Baccalaureate
- Computer World Gove adds Computer Science to English Baccalaureate
- Develop Computer science introduced to English Baccalaureate
- Computer Weekly Computer science to be part of English Baccalaureate
- PcPro Computing to become UK's "fourth science".
- Miles Berry's blog Computer Science makes it to the EBacc
- Jan 2013: Google announces that it will give 15,000 Raspberry Pi kits to UK school pupils. Raspberry Pi announcement, Telegraph, BBC news, Techcrunch.
2012 and earlier
- Dec 2012 'I want to write code!', Music Guardian 15 Dec is no ordinary rapper. He is a founding member of Black Eyed Peas, a TV star and a philanthropist – but what really excites him is technology, and how it can advance social change. Plus he's invented his own gadget
- Dec 2012 Computer says yes: praise for creative focus, TESS 14 Dec 2012. A world-leading figure in computing has praised Scotland’s new teaching materials for the subject.
Hal Abelson, of the MIT Center for Mobile Learning, has been impressed by the emphasis that the “wonderful” exemplification materials - for S1-3 - place on real-world situations and creating mobile phone apps.
- Nov 2012 Computing At School blog entry A summary of the recent CAS Scotland conference on the Scottish Governments engage for education blog
- Nov 2012 Key questions as the new ICT curriculum begins to emerge Bob Harrison's blog post about the new ICT curriculum and its implications for CPD.
- Nov 2012 Smartphones can be a valuable tool in classrooms, Herald 20 Nov 2012, editorial piece about the RSE Exemplification project
- Nov 2012 High tech to hand, Times Educational Supplement Scotland 16 Nov 2012, article about Glow and the Computing At School Scotland conference
- Nov 2012 Interest is there but teachers are not, Times Educational Supplement Scotland 16 Nov 2012, article about the Computing At School Scotland conference and numbers of Computing teachers in Scotland
- Nov 2012 Pupils on board with IT careers, Times Educational Supplement Scotland 16 Nov 2012, article about careers in Computing
- Nov 2012 Take a byte of the computing action, Times Educational Supplement Scotland 16 Nov 2012, editorial piece about Glow, Computing and ICT
- Nov 2012 Scratch that programming itch, Times Educational Supplement Scotland 16 Nov 2012, article about Scratch programming project in Primary
- Nov 2012 By the numbers: ICT spending, Times Educational Supplement Scotland 16 Nov 2012, article about ICT spending in UK schools
- Nov 2012 High tech to hand, Times Educational Supplement Scotland 16 Nov 2012, article about Glow and Computing and ICT
- Nov 2012 It is my mission to explain a little about what's underneath the bonnet, Herald 12 Nov 2012, interview with Muffy Calder, Chief Scientific Adviser for Scotland and Professor of Computing Science
- Nov 2012 New ICT curriculum proposed by Royal Academy of Engineering and BCS, Guardian 13 Nov 2012, braodly supportive of the draft proposed Programme of Study.
- Nov 2012 Problems with high school physics, an 8-minute Sixty Symbols video about the lack of challenge in school physics, with some resonance for CS. It references a hilarious but thought-provoking video letter to the US President about high school physics in the USA.
- Nov 2012 Short & Tweet (Times Educational Supplement Scotland 2 Nov 2012) A selection of Twitter messages from the CAS Scotland #CASScot12 conference
- Oct 2012 Where Tech City still falls short (Guardian 28 Oct 2012). Wendy Devolver says "The biggest issue our community faces is the difficulty recruiting highly skilled developers...Our jobs board at Skills Matter is absolutely packed with vacancies advertising 'cool' projects and teams, begging people to join them....We should provide the next generation with actual programming skills (as opposed to MS Office skills) very early on – by supporting initiatives such as Computing at School and Apps for Good, so that in 10 years' time, we'll be in a better position."
- Oct 2012 Computer programming: who is teaching our children to code?, Telegraph 11 Oct 2012. Covders Code Club, Young Rewired State, Apps for Good, among others.
- Sept 2012 Degree of success and the importance of Computer Science, blog post from the Head of the Perse School, a prominent private school in Cambridge.
- Oct 2012 Microsoft sends engineers back to school, Times of India, 1 Oct 2012; but the article is about Microsoft's involvement in CS education in the USA.
- Sept 2012: Estonia is getting in the game too. Why Estonia Has Started Teaching Its First-Graders To Code Forbes, June 2012. By next year, all Estonian schools will be able to offer programming classes, Insider 4 Sept 2012.
- 17 Sept 2011 GCSE exams to be replaced by EBacc. Article in the Evening Standard by Gove and Clegg A new exam will get the best out of all our children. Much comment: GCSEs are dead, another dog's dinner, EBacc to the future.
- Sept 2011 Elizabeth Truss MP: An A-Level Baccalaureate would ensure more students attained academically rigorous qualification. Liz Truss has just been appointed as a minister in DfE. This blog article discusses the idea of an A-level Bacc.
- Sept 2012 How teachers and schools are preparing for the new Computer Science GCSEs Guardian 13 Sept 2012
- Aug 2012 Only four girls take A level computing in Northern Ireland, PC Pro, 17 Aug 2012
- Aug 2012 Redefining the introduction to Computer Science. Khan Academy launches the future of computer science education. The famous Khan Academy has launched a Computer Science series, with an interesting programming platform based on JavaScript and Processing. Comment in Mark Guzdial's blog.
- Aug 2012 Schools 20 years behind on ICT teaching, press release from IET, 10 Aug 2012
- Aug 2012 Lily Cole on why kids must code, a long podcast on the Guardian about Young Rewired State's major Birmingham event in August for 425 kids. Also a feature in BBC tech.
- Aug 2012 Herald Scotland: Expert calls for revamp of digital teaching in schools, It is time we addressed Scotland's digital deficit, a dissenting letter, and a reply.
- July 2012 Innovations in ICT teaching: a Guardian round table debate, 10 July 2012
- June 2012 Stanford's most popular major is now Computer Science, Mashable
- June 2012 On why games could very well fix education, and Kuato aims to teach kids programming through games, GamesBeat
- June 2012 William Lau's blog about the Guardian ICT conference.
- June 2012 CASWales12, Kristian Still's blog post summarising the CAS Wales Teachers Conference. "My overriding impression is that the CAS Wales community, fronted by Dr Tom Crick and Technocamps, supported by many enthusiastic and committed contributors, has a real head of stream."
- Creating a new ICT curriculum. Piece by Miles Berry for Teach Primary on the opportunities during 'disapplication'.
- June 2012 Return of the O-Level: Gove plans radical move to scrap dumbed-down GCSEs and overhaul National Curriculum 'to ensure UK has a world-class education system, Daily Mail 21 June 2012. Interesting follow up article O levels and social mobility in the FT with some fascinating data.
- June 2012 Computing at School sets brave targets for GCSEs. Bob Harrison's blog about the CAS Teacher's conference.
- June 2012 Five challenges to digital making: a sceptical blog post, and a response, both by Mark Griffiths.
- June 2012 Ofsted admits IT overlooked in school inspections, a somewhat tendentious title to a report on the Westminster eForum meeting in June 2012. A rather better article on the same meeting is Teachers share concerns and ideas for the 2014 curriculum in the Computer Weekly, DfE explains ICT curriculum disapplication, telling schools "It is up to you", in Computing, and Bob Harrison's blog about it.
- June 2012 Not a tool, but a philosophy of knowledge, Stuart Wray.
- June 2012 The power of computing, USA Today 4 June 2012. "Math, writing, history and computer science?" The article covers the growing realisation that computer science should be part of every student's education.
- May 2012 Science minister David Willetts brands IT education catastrophic, Computer Weekly. Willetts was speaking at Google's Big Tent meeting. His remarks on education seem very negative, and he may be slightly misquoted.
- May 2012 Raspberry Pi faces challenges from Android-based rivals, BBC News 23 May 2012
- May 2012 A new generation of coders, Guardian 1 May 2012. The teaching of ICT in schools has come in for much criticism of late, yet the enthusiasm shown by young people to learn and share programming skills at a recent 'hack day' should inspire educators
- April 2012 Programming project comes to primary schools, BBC News, 17 Apr 2012. "Volunteers have kicked off a project to set up after-school clubs that teach young children how to programme computers. Called Code Clubs, the sessions will aim to instil the basics of computer programming into children aged 10-11."
- April 2012 ICT teachers need to focus on the teaching, not on the ICT. Guardian 11 April 2012. "Becoming a 'real' computer science teacher isn't about staying one step ahead of your pupils in a technological arms race – it's about knowing how to encourage them to learn and expand their horizons."
- April 2012 Britain's economy will thrive if computing becomes child's play, by Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google. Observer 7 April 2012. "I read last week's Observer New Review ("We need to teach our kids to code") with interest and admiration. In Britain, the debate about the teaching of computer science in schools is moving fast and in the right direction."
- April 2012 "We need to teach our kids to code", a massive front-page headline in the Observer News Review, (Sunday 1 April 2012 but not an April fool), with five more pages of coverage inside. Here is PDF of the whole thing. Includes an edtorial in the main paper, in the News Review,
- John Naughton's Why all our kids should be taught how to code, and
- A manifesto for teaching computer science in the 21st century in the form of a memo to Mr Gove. The same article was also in the Guardian on Saturday 31 March.
- Girls and coding: female peer pressure scares them off, by Emma Mulqueeny
- Young coders: what's happening in the rest of the world, drawing on a CAS document
- March 2012 Why is Computer Science and ICT in the headlines? Jeff Howson's blog post, part of South East Grid for Learning
- March 2012 A surge in learning the language of the internet, New York Times, 27 March 2012. Reports on a surge in "learn-to-program" sites, and especially Codeacademy.
- March 2012 UK youngsters in Europe's top five for programming skills, Despite the provocative title, I could not find any data to support the claim in the EU report that the article is based on.
- March 2012 Conputer science for the rest of us, New York Times, 31 March 2012. About computational thinking at university level, but one good quote is '"Computational thinking should have been covered in middle school, and it isn't, he says. So we in the C.S. department must offer the equivalent of a remedial course."'
- March 2012 Delivering the decentralised ICT curriculum, blog post Reform think tank.
- March 2012 Digital skills shortage leaves EU youth a step behind. European policy makers have identified a large shortfall in computing and IT skills among young people that threatens to dent Europe's ability to compete and could exacerbate youth unemployment in the coming decade
- March 2012 BBC Click ran a 15-minute segment on computing at school, featuring Ian Livingstone, Brian Cox, .NET Gadgeteer and Raspberry Pi.
- March 2012 Questions in the Northern Ireland Assembly
- March 2012 TES STEM supplement, a 30-page colour magazine with substantial articles, including one about Computer Science in schools.
- March 2012 The future of Scotland's economy could be at risk if children don't learn vital computer science skills. TES Scotland, 9 March 2012.
- March 2012 Hack to the future, now! Alan O'Donohoe describes a fantastic day of programming and fireworks in Salford., Guardian blog, 2 Mar 2012
- Feb 2012 Raspberry Pi: can it get kids excited about code? The launch of the Raspberry Pi at Chesterton Community College, Cambridge, BBC News.
- Feb 2012 Campaign calls for new teacher training infrastructure. Ahead of the budget, this letter, led by NextGen, invites George Osborne to offer resources for initial teacher training and CPD for computer science teachers. PC Pro report.
- Feb 2012 Searching for a new formula for Computer Science. Judith Cochrane, member of the Northern Ireland Assembly, blog article describing her support for CAS.
- Jan 2012 Edexcel announces a new GCSE in Computing Science, for first teaching in September 2012
- Jan 2012 Computer Science is not Digital Literacy, blog post Josie Fraser.
- Jan 2012 Gove to scrap "boring" ICT lessons, Guardian 11 Jan 2012. Also
- Jan 2012 Guardian's Digital Literacy campaign, in BETT week
- Jan 2012 Britain's computer science courses failing to give workers digital skills, Guardian 9 Jan 2012.
- Jan 2012 New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg takes coding course. He's signed up to learn how to program! BBC News, 6 Jan 2012. Here is the Code Year web site, mentioned in the article.
- Jan 2012 Algorithms: a fourth "R" for 21st century literacy, blog post, Valerie Strauss
- Jan 2012 Scottish government announces an increase in teacher training, mentioning Computing specifically.
- Dec 2011 Ofsted released "ICT in Schools 2008-11", a report critical of ICT teaching in schools (Ofsted press release). Lots of press coverage
- ICT "poor" in secondary schools BBC News
- Schools are jeopardising the career prospects of thousands of teenagers by failing to offer compulsory classes in computing, a damning report by inspectors shows, Guardian. Quotes minister Nick Gibb saying "We are looking very carefully at ICT as part of the national curriculum review and have listened closely to the computing industry's calls for more rigorous computer science courses to help tackle the skills shortages facing high-tech industries"
- Ofsted sends ICT to the naughty step, BBC News
- Decline and Fall: the UK's shocking IT education record, Dan Barker, Huffpost Tech UK
- Dec 2011 Issue 107 of the Linux Users Magazine has a 4 page article called 'Teach your kids to code' about Computing in Schools in the latest edition of Linux User magazine. It describes CAS as 'one of the busiest agitators for change'.
- Dec 2011 Computing classes don't teach programming skills, Daily Telegraph 6 Dec 2011. An interview with Alex Hope, of the Livingstone-Hope Report.
- Dec 2011 Should we teach coding in schools? (Yes) Blog post by Nicklas Noterar. Followed up by Teach not coding but architecture by Betsy Masiello
- Dec 2011 Students from Catnose College interview Michael Gove at the Schools Network Conference. Skip to 4? 39? where Mr Gove says he thinks Computer Science would be a good idea in schools. Follow up article in Develop and the Guardian.
- Dec 2011 Programming should take pride of place in our schools, John Naughton in the Observer, 4 Dec 2011. "If the government excludes computer science from the national curriculum then it will be effectively slamming the door to the future"
- Nov 2011 Coding wizards offered X-Factor style competition, BBC Technology, 30 Nov 2011. "The business world today would simply not function without software. Software algorithms are now at the heart of business processes and products across every sector - in the cars we drive, the medical devices in our hospitals, the financial trading applications used across our markets, the stock systems in our supermarkets"
- Nov 2011 Video debate: the future of Computer Science in schools, a BCS video discussion with Bill Mitchell, Andrew Herbert (until recently Chairman of Microsoft Research EMEA), and Ian Livingstone
- Nov 2011 Computer lessons are out of date, admits Goverment, Guardian 28 Nov 2011
- Nov 2011 Government backs call for classroom coding, BBC News, 28 Nov 2011
- Nov 2011 Shaking up the curriculum with Raspberry Pi, David Braben writing in Edge, 28 Nov 2011
- Nov 2011 Alex Hope on BBC Radio 4 Today programme, with Rory Cellan Jones
- Nov 2011 Coding - the New Latin? Rory Cellan Jones (BBC Tech Correspondent)
- Nov 2011 Ian Livingstone writes in the Independent on the day the Gov responds to the NextGen report.
- Nov 2011 Hottest major on campus? Computer Science! Network World 21 November. This is from the USA, but good news nevertheless.
- Nov 2011 Must try harder: technology in the classroom, Saint John Walker blog post about a talk given by two school pupils at "Changing the game" in Birmingham. "They spoke of their respect for their teachers, but also their exasperation, as two digital natives, about the sluggish pace and confusing teaching of ICT in their school".
- Nov 2011 Programmers take their IT skills to school, BBC News 22 November. Alan Willls teaches Kodu to middle-school kids.
- Nov 2011 BBC Five Live "Outriders" programme covers Raspberry Pi, "Celebrating Engineering", 22 November, about 8' 50" in.
- Nov 2011 Do students know more about technology than their teachers? Guardian 21 Nov 2011.
- Nov 2011 Livingstone's skills review backed on Lords debate, Develop online 4 Nov 2011. Baroness Bonham-Carter told the house: ?We should listen to Ian Livingstone and Alex Hope, authors of the Next Gen report and leaders in their world of video games and visual effects, who recommend that art and computer science should be included in the [English Baccalaureate].?
- Nov 2011 BBC Radio 4 Click On: Simon Cox interviews Emma Mulqueeney (Young Rewired State) and Eben Upton (Raspberry Pi) in the London Hackspace.
- Nov 2011 In a BBC interview, David Cameron says (2?40 into the video), asked about Eric Schmidt's speech: "I think Eric Schmidt is right... we're not doing enough to teach the next generation of programmers. One of the thing you hear from the businesses here in Tech City is ?I don't just want people who are literate in technology, I want people who want to create programs?, and I think that's a real wake up call for us in terms of our education system." Follow-up article in Develop online
- Oct 2011 Eric Schmidt stated the problem: here's how we can fix it! Pro-CAS article by Andrew Tuson in ComputerWorldUK
- Oct 2011 BBC mulls new effort to kick start computer education, a GigaOm article in response to Keri Facer's post asking for input in the design of a BBC Micro 2.0 plan
- Oct 2011 Computer education in Great Britain, blog post Andrew Hague
- Oct 2011 Guardian Tech City Talk, a debate about ICT and numeracy at Imperial College; David Willetts was a panel member, as was Emma MulQueeney. Here's the podcast, and a blog post about it.
- Sept 2011 Emma Mulqueeney (Rewired State) blogs about the effectiveness of the CAS network
- Sept 2011 (USA) <a href
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