Careers in Computing
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Last edit: 16 August 2023
Web sites ------------ * Skill Up 2018 "We spoke to over 8,000 developers and tech pros. Read what they have to say about what it's like to work in the industry today." * Plotr, a gameified web site that helps you explore the careers you love. Debbie Foster (from Apps for Good) recommended it to me. * Tomorrows Engineers is a helpful careers site with an engineering focus. * Inspiring the future is a free service with volunteers from all sectors and professions going into state schools and colleges to talk about their jobs and sectors. * Founders 4 schools connects teachers with entrepreneurs and founders of growing, successful businesses. It is a free programme for teachers in the UK. * [March 2014] Apprenticeships in IT/computing suitable for entry level apprenticeships upwards. * The Inside Careers guide has some nice case studies and useful information * The Big Ambition site has lots of videos about people in the IT industry * ExcITing careers explores various jobs within computing and offers links to more information * Bring It On * Science Council website * (Dec 2015) Tech Partnership Careers Pack for teacher includes 3 powerpoint presentations and a video Inspirational material -------------------------- * [Feb 2014] Women in technology video from Career Player. Suitable for 13 - 18 year old girls either as a complete 11 min video or as separate clips answering different questions * [Oct 2013] Careers in IT and Technology video from Career Player. Suitable for 13 - 18 year olds either as a complete 27 min video or as separate clips answering different questions. * [Sept 2010] eSkills bulletin show continued growth in demand for ICT staff * has videos featuring all the famous names (Gates, Zuckerberg, etc), explaining why "Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn to code". Not exactly about careers, but very motivating. * University of Sydney video on What is IT? (Note: In Australia, IT is used as a technical umbrella term. It does not mean ICT, it's more like our "Computing".) Studies and information ----------------------- * Shadbolt review of computer sciences degree accreditation and graduate employability, 2016. This review discusses the employment prospects for computer science graduates, especially in the light of some surprising data suggesting that CS graduates are more likely to be unemployed than other STEM graduates. * Students and their choosing of computing: findings from the 'why computing' project, Lisa Payne (a CAS member), 2014. The 'Why Computing?' project was an extended PhD research study set up to investigate how students decide whether or not to apply for a computing degree. This was based on concerns about students' motivation and knowledge. The work led to the consideration of student engagement as well as the IT skills shortage. Its findings led to a number of recommendations to Government, other policy makers, professional bodies and schools as well as to universities and employers. * Tackling the IT skills shortage. An event run by the City University London's Centre for Centre for Information Leadership and the BCS Elite group. Slides and videos. * IT Professional skills and careers, a presentation by Andrew Tuson, City University, London. * A USA study about students attitudes to computer science * Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) - the IT and Communications industry skills framework used by UK government, employers and academia. * What Is Computing - information on the difference between Computing and IT for teenagers.
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