Guide to USing Micro:bit Classroom
Downloaded: 1956
Last edit: 06 July 2022
Resource Type References, Guidebooks and Handbooks
English Key Stage 7-11 year (KS2)
Curriculum Topic Algorithmic Thinking, Effective use of tools, Enrichment/STEM/Cross Curriculum, Physical Computing, Programming, SEND
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This is a step-by-step guide on how to set up and use Micro:bit classroom. You can set up Parson's Problems easily, see your students' code, identify misconceptions, assess final outcomes and see how they felt (in emoji format) about the project at the end. A great tool for supporting SEND learners and making sure no one gets left behind.
Edit history
Rachael Coultart | 06.07.22
Rachael Coultart | 06.07.22
Rachael Coultart | 06.07.22
Rachael Coultart | 06.07.22
Initial creation
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