28 March 2022
Barefoot meets the micro:bit
Barefoot is excited to announce that for our latest set of resources we’ve teamed up with the Micro:bit Educational Foundation to create two ‘Barefoot meets the micro:bit’ activities!
With summer on the way, both activities have an outdoors theme making cross-curricular links to science, so why not download them now and take your computing outdoors this term!?Our first, ‘Wildlife Animations’, is for pupils aged 7 - 9 years. In these lessons, pupils create simple animations on the micro:bit’s LED display inspired by nature. Pupils also complete unplugged activities to explore how their programs are transferred to the micro:bit and how a simple animation can be created using two static images.
We also have ‘Litter Hunt’ for pupils aged 9 - 11 years. In these lessons, pupils learn about the role of variables in storing data and convert their micro:bit into a litter counting device. They then go on their own litter hunt around school, counting how much litter they find and how much of it is recyclable.
All resources are available to download for free.
Supporting you…
Our lessons come with a range of support videos to help you deliver them to your pupils and are an ideal introduction if you and your pupils are just starting out with micro:bits in your school.
No micro:bits? No problem!
And, even if you don’t have micro:bits, you can use the free online simulator to complete the lessons. The simulator runs online and so is easily accessed on PCs, laptops or tablets.