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11 March 2025

Interactive 3D - bring ‘new worlds’ into the classroom

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Computing at School

Are you making the most of Interactive 3D resources in your computing classroom?

Interactive 3D can bring new worlds into the classroom and is an exciting way to learn computing skills. The opportunities are exciting – and enriching - but many teachers are unsure where to start using Interactive 3D resources as part of their computing teaching.

CAS thematic community CAS Interactive 3D and Gaming is a great place to start if you want to find out more about making the most of Interactive 3D resources.

Becci Peters, CAS Computing Subject Lead and one of the leaders of the CAS Interactive 3D and Gaming Community, explained more…

Getting started - what is Interactive 3D?

“Interactive 3D is about creating 3D worlds. It could be a 3D room or a similar environment where you can interact with the objects within that ‘space’,” explained Becci.

“Interactive 3D resources have a familiar ‘gaming style’ but the technology is used widely in industry, from construction and architecture to simulators for pilots and many other roles in training professionals.”

“So, bringing this into the classroom can often involves areas which children really enjoy - where they get to ‘make’ something.

“It can be all about that creative aspect - and not simply creating something visual, you create something that you can interact with. It can be very exciting.”

How does Interactive 3D boost broader engagement with computing?

“With Interactive 3D, students get to make something and feel that satisfaction of being able to say; ‘look at this thing that I've made’, that can be really motivating,” said Becci. “It’s just like finishing a woodwork project in DT and taking something home to show your parents. This is similar - except it’s digital - but it is also tangible and young people can often get more satisfaction out of creating something in interactive 3D than, potentially, writing in code, because it can be easier for them to see what they've made.

“It's a different way of creating something. It's not just creating images or a PowerPoint or something. It's more engaging and it brings in that element of fantasy - because it's 3D you can move around in your world.”

One of the pieces of software that they can use is Unreal Editor for Fortnite – the software used by those who create Fortnite, which will be familiar to many young people. There is an obvious appeal to students who are inspired by games design, but it is also being used in many other career areas, it can inspire students to see how the many avenues of a digital career, even if it's not a computer science career.

“For young people who think computer science is a ‘bit scary’ they often find that this is where they can “shine” and discover that computing is not just about numbers and ‘learning a new language.’” said Becci.

Interactive 3D can also involve computer programming skills - but not always – with some resources offering the option to use a language called Verse, an object-oriented programming language created by Epic Games. But Interactive 3D activities also doesn’t need to involve programming.

“For students and teachers who don’t want to include programming in the activities – you can still do all the wonderful creative stuff – programming is optional,” said Becci.

What are the ‘myths’ about Interactive 3D in the computing classroom?

“Because of the association with Fortnite, some teachers might think; ‘I don't want children playing games in my class.’ But students won't be ‘playing games,’ they'll be making something.

Using interactive 3D resources can align with the specifications of the Key Stage 3 computing curriculum, particularly the expectation that pupils undertake; ‘creative projects... to achieve challenging goals…meeting the needs of new users.’

Interactive 3D can also enhance cross-curricular projects – whether that’s developing a space topic in science creating a model of space or a particular planet, or in biology a model of a cell and ‘interact’ with the different aspects of the cell.

Some teachers might be concerned about cost but, the software is entirely free and CAS has created some free resources to help you and your students get started

Be aware that Unreal editor for Fortnite Software is processor intensive which some schools may need virtual machines to run. A new web-based software, Flock XR has been developed by Flip Computing which is easier to run on computers due to being web based and incorporates block coding rather than text based. An alternative programme, Blender is becoming more widely used by schools because it's less processor intensive. Pete Dring, Head of Computing at Fulford School and member of CAS Education & Community Board, has been using Blender with his Game Dev Club.

“We've been creating 3D models of a different component of a gaming PC each week. The plan is to create our own VR/online PC builder simulator so that anyone can build their own PC without having to pay hundreds of pounds. Each week we have a Blender 3D challenge for instance, in one week we made a 3D model of a motherboard.” (Pete’s Game Dev Club 3D sessions have been recorded and can be accessed here: )

CAS Interactive 3D and Gaming Community

 CAS Interactive 3D and Gaming Community is a go-to hub which offers helpful blogs, resources, and extra materials and is a rich source of support, ideas, and events. The community is brought to you with our friends, the Epic Education Program team at Epic Games.

The community focuses on technology enabling digital interactive 3D experiences & gaming. It provides professional development on the use of Unreal Engine in schools as well as other gaming related professional development.

It engages with free Epic Education Program initiatives modified for UK schools and encourages community-driven co-creation and sharing of resources around interactive 3D and gaming in schools, colleges and HE.

The community includes a members’ forum to discuss ideas and you’ll find links to CAS Community resources such as -

Getting started in Unreal Editor for Fortnite - Part 1

Getting started in Unreal Editor for Fortnite - Part 2

 Micro:bit Retro Games

 Lua and Love2D tutorial

 Object-Oriented Programming Activity: Python Digital Pets Game

You can also access presentations from past events and keep up with latest developments.

“There are step-by-step guide that walk you through absolute basics to really help you to get started in this 3D World,” said Becci. “It’s an exciting field and we’re bringing experts and teachers together to explore together and make the most of the opportunities it brings to the classroom.

  • Find out more about CAS Interactive 3D and Gaming Community here
  • CAS Interactive 3D and Gaming Community’s next event is scheduled for March 13 when Neil Rickus will lead a session; Video Games in Primary Computing, which looks at how primary teachers are using commercial video games, such as Pac-Man and Frogger, to introduce pupils to programming concepts, engage learners and provide opportunities to develop their understanding of sequence, selection, repetition and variables.