12 February 2025
Barefoot Computing - Live Lessons have launched!
Barefoot Computing launched live lessons exclusively to Northern Ireland schools on January 31st, with 15 classrooms participating in ‘Who does this belong to?’, a collaborative online safety lesson exploring ownership, permissions and the use of digital resources.
Just ahead of #SaferInternetDay, 7 primary schools across NI played games together, investigating some ‘Dos and Don’ts’ when using technology, exploring how to keep things secure using locks and passwords, and problem solving how to make positive choices to stay safe online. Taking part in interactive activities and discussions, pupils developed logic and evaluation skills, sharing learning across the curriculum. Taughmonagh Primary in Belfast shared their feedback:
“I learned to ask an adult if something pops up.” Charlotte
“I learned I need to ask a parent if I want to play a different game.” Shivya
“I loved it! I love learning in a different way.” Zara
“some really good discussions came from the session!” Mr. Milligan

Live Lessons for the rest of the UK go live on 18th of March, centred around the Build the Change resource, find out more below -