16 July 2024
Teacher Research Projects at the CAS Conference

Teacher Research Projects at the CAS Conference
Following the great reception of the wonderful presentations from Sophie Fenn, Rebecca Mack (in absentia), Lorne Pearcey, Alexandra Price, Rachael Coultart, Pete Dring, Justin Heath and Jo Hodge at the Computing At School conference on Saturday, you can now download the entire booklet of projects here.
You can also download the slides from each of the presentations here:
TICE (Teacher Inquiry in Computing Education) project is a year-long programme where teachers and helpers are matched to work together on a small-scale piece of research that teachers choose. Teacher research is a powerful way of investigating and improving both your own practice and the way your children learn. It's hard work, but very rewarding. We'd love to support you if you are interested in conducting your own teacher research project.
We are pleased to also announce that the next iteration of TICE will be run in conjunction with Computing At School. This is a great partnership, especially as the original TICE project in 2015-2016 was run by CAS. This will enable us to run two versions of this programme - one with F2F meetings and one completely online. We will be sharing the link for you to sign up here and at http://computingeducationresearch.org early next week. Watch this space!
Thanks to the whole TICE team, who have helped with the projects and supported teachers.
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