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free KS3 computing courses (Apps for Good)

When 24 Apr 2025 Start16:00 End17:00
Organised by Becci Peters
Community Type

Thematic Community

Event Type


In this webinar, Kathy Sheppard-Barnes and Jodie Campbell—Education Community Managers at Apps for Good—will guide you through the charity’s free KS3 computing courses. Whether you've delivered Apps for Good before and are considering the latest courses or are new and eager to learn more, this session is for you! 
Kathy and Jodie will introduce Apps for Good, walk you through the course content—including a quick look at AppLab—and share how they can support you with delivery. There will also be time for questions at the end.
About Apps for Good
Apps for Good computing courses give students the skills and motivation to shape their future through technology, whilst giving teachers the support and confidence to pick up and deliver high quality content and resources. All of our courses support student teams to design and create an app for a community they care about, all you need to do is choose your theme! Each course also provides the opportunity for students to meet virtually with an industry volunteer, to gain feedback on their app ideas, as well as to enter our annual Showcase.
We hope to see you there! If you have any questions, please reach out at

For further information

Becci Peters