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TechWeCan:Inspire more children to conside a career in Tech (primary & secondary)

When 27 Apr 2022 Start16:00 End16:45
Organised by James Dixon
Community Type

Local Community

Event Type


Meet Becky Patel, Head of Early Education for the Tech She Can Charity. Tech She Can create the Tech We Can educational resources to inspire girls and boys to consider a career in technology.

Becky will tell us all about the amazing and free TechWeCan's offer which will include:

  • Free educational resources for use in the classroom or at home (On demand’ recorded lessons, lesson packs, animated lessons and role model videos) that encourage students to explore tech subjects and careers. 
  • Homework submission and marking service through their student zone.
  • Champions from industry brought in to delivery careers lessons on your behalf
  • Careers assembly resources
  • Linking Tech to all mainstream subjects, not just Computing. 
  • Opportunities to help meet Gatesby benchmarks 3,4,6 and 6 in secondary. 
  • Primary and Secondary target audience (8-14 year olds)

The session will last approximately 30 minutes followed by the opportunity to ask questions. 

For further information

James Dixon