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CAS Include is a community committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in computing. We are a group of educators who are passionate about giving all students the opportunity to study computing. 

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Becci Peters
13/12/2024 13:58

You can send private messages through the forum. Just click on their profile and you should have the option to message

Will Berard
10/12/2024 08:15

@Gavin - I don’t know that CaS supports private messages. I have found your profile (not that it’s linked from your post, but the URL structure is sensible), but you’ve not listed an email to reach you.

Maybe access it from home or your phone? Or you can ask your Institution to whitelist the domain, it’s presumably blacklisted because it’s new and unknown.

Kirsty Ross
09/12/2024 10:06

I’d strongly recommend Fergus Murray ( if you are looking for speakers, especially around autism and monotropism ( They also were a teacher from 2014-2024, so are very familiar with English and Scottish schools.

Gavin Davenport
09/12/2024 09:33

Will - I would be very interested in reading this and talking to you about your research - unfortunately Hypernoetic is blocked by our institution. Could you send me a private message?

Catherine Elliott
09/12/2024 09:29

Thanks Will for the link - it’s really interesting to read about it from a teacher point of view (and sadly how little support can be available for the adults in schools).

Just to let you know, in terms of your first comment, CAS Include isn’t so new - we’ve been around since about 2013! Just not quite as active as some of the other communities due to other commitments. But your comments have reminded us that we need to get some more events booked in - if anyone has any requests for what content you’d like covered in future meetings or recommendations for speakers, please add a comment!

Catherine, co-chair CAS Include

Will Berard
09/12/2024 09:07

SEN/D, Inclusion, and (my) Teacher Training

A reflection on my ITT and ECT, and the parallel journeys to discovering my neurodivergence:

Will Berard
05/12/2024 14:33

Wow. That new community smell! :heart_eyes:

If you are a Neurodivergent teacher (ADHD and Autism, esp in combination), you are in scope of my PhD topic, please get in touch (on my profile) :pray:t3:


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