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CAS Bromley & Hayes

The CAS Bromley and Hayes Community is organised by Sam Shallcross.

After a period of online meetings only, I am keen to meet those who are new to a Primary/Middle school computing role and reconnect with local colleagues who have remained part of this community. This is a face to face meeting community to share expertise and experiences amongst local colleagues. If you would like to suggest a focus that we can include in future community meetings, or can deliver part of a session, then please get in touch with Sam. 

If you'd like to view existing files or upload a new one, please log in below.

  1. AI resources to explore in Primary.pdf Upload date: 07/06/2024
  2. microbit playground survey short slide deck.pdf Upload date: 11/04/2024

Community: CAS Bromley & Hayes Primary

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Samantha Shallcross
02/06/2024 21:21

Dear all

Join us this Friday 7th June for our next face to face meeting. Llink to register is here Bromley and Hayes CAS Hub Meet - AI and AR


Samantha Shallcross
16/02/2024 15:03

Dear all

I hope you are having a restful half term or for those of you on half term next week - enjoy the break!

This has been a thriving community in the past and I am really keen to see us get back to regular face to face meetings.

With this in mind, I would like to invite you to Bromley High Junior School on Friday 22nd March 4 - 5.30pm for an informal catch up on CAS and a session with Giles Booth on new and upcoming resources to implement your micro:bits into the classroom. This will be a hands on practical session in our Digital Hub.

Hands on with micro:bit - Bromley and Hayes Hub Meeting Link for event.

Please register for the event within our community and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me I hope to be meeting with you soon!

best wishes


Samantha Shallcross
Bromley High School GDST
Edtdech and Innovation Consultant Teacher
Head of Computing (Juniors)

Samantha Shallcross
28/11/2023 17:48

Dear Community, It has been ages since we had a group session and I am keen to explore an opportunity for the summer term. Is there an area you would like to focus on in particular?


Explore the map

